Course CAP11
Adobe Captivate 2019 Advanced
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This Advanced Features course is designed to cover Captivate's higher-end functionality while improving your production skills via object styles, project templates, question pools, branching and scenario development, responisve design techniques and advanced actions and scripts. You will learn to collaborate with team members via Captivates' powerful commenting features. You'll enhance your users experience via variables that will make it seem like each eLearning lesson you produce has been customized for and is talking directly to your participant. With scripting and actions you can add logic to customize your eLearning activities. You will understand how to work with an LMS or Adobe Connect.

Software Required Adobe Captivate 2019
In order to participate in the class, participants require Adobe Captivate 2019 to be loaded on their computer. If you do not yet own the software you can download the trial version of the software for the class by going to:
and download and install the trial version of Adobe Captivate 2019. It is good for 30 days so install a day before your scheduled class.
This class is fully interactive, as you will be able to speak with and hear from the instructor and other students as you work in real time to complete activities within the software.
Course Outline:
Caption Pre-Editing
- Rehearse a script
- Set recording preferences
- Specify a recording area
- Target an application
- Target a screen area
- Record screen actions
- Edit a text caption
Video Demos
- Creating video projects
- Record a video demo
- Zooming and planning
- Zoom closer to the screen action
- Zoom closer and pan
- Smoothing mouse movements
- Splitting
- Split a video
- Trimming
- Trim a video
Custom Styles, Branching and Aggregating
- Creating object styles
- Create a new style
- Apply a style globally
- Export/import a style
- Combining projects
- Name a slide
- Copy/past project assets
- Branching
- Use buttons to create a branch
- Explore the branching view
- Creating groups
- Create a slide group
Question Pools
- GIFT files
- Pools and random question slides
- Insert a question slide
- Rename and create question pools
- Move questions to pools
- Insert random question slides
Accessible eLearning
- Accessibility and Captivate
- Set document information
- Enable accessibility
- Accessibility text
- Add accessibility text to slides
- Import slide audio
- Shortcut keys
- Closed captioning
- Add closed captions
- Tab order on slides
Variables and Widgets
- Variables
- Add project information
- Insert a system variable
- Edit a system variable
- Create a user variable
- Use a variable to gather data
- Widgets
- Insert and format a widget
- Interactions
- Insert a process circle
- Simple actions
- Use a completed action
- Name objects
- Control object visibility
- Create a simple action
- Attach an action to a button
- Group timeline objects
- Conditional actions
- Create a variable
- Create a conditional action
- Multiple decision blocks
- Create decision blocks
- Create and export a shared action
- Import a shared action
Master Slides, Themes and Templates
- Main master slides
- Add an image to a master slide
- Insert a content master slide
- Apply a master slide to project slides
- Edit a master slide
- Themes
- Apply a theme
- Create a custom theme
- Project templates
- Review an existing template
- Create a project from a template
- Create a project template
- Export/import project assets
- Template placeholders
- Insert a placeholder
Responsive Projects
- Review a responsive project
- Customize break points
- Customize theme colours
- Use the position inspector
- Position and link objects
- Object positioning
Reporting Results
- Set quiz reporting options
- Manifest files
- Create a manifest file
- Advanced interaction
- Report a button interaction
- Adjust slide object interaction
- Content packages
- Publish a content package
- Uploading to an LMS
- Create an Inquisiq LMS account
- Create an LMS lesson
- Create and LMS course
- Create an LMS catalog
- Test an eLearning course
Fee: Minimum 3 participants, pro-rated after 4 or more
Online* or Onsite**: $1,000 US ($1250 CD + HST) per daypery
Duration: 2 days, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm ET
Prerequisites - Captivate Essentials
Onsite: Request Quotation
*Online Fee does not include training materials. Training materials can be purchased online.
.**Onsite Fee does not include training materials or travel and accommodationf for instructor.
Recommended Reference Book
OnSite / Online Private Class:
If you are interested in this course we offer it as a private onsite / online class for groups of 3 or more.... Complete our Request for Onsite Quotation Form. We will contact you to arrange a class date that is suitable to you; or, email us at to learn more about scheduling options.

Our goal is to make sure your class meets your objectives, not ours. Therefore, all of our outlines are treated as guides to help steer the workshop. This outline does not guarantee that all the topics listed will be covered in the time allowed. The amount of material covered is based on the skill level of the student audience. We may change or alter course topics to best suit the classroom situation.
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