Course CAP10
Adobe Captivate 2019 Essentials
Compatible with Captivate 2017
Click here to see Our Experience Teaching Captivate --
This course introduces users to Adobe Captivate. The course is designed to take participants through the development process of building software demonstrations and interactive simulations. The course is task-based, with participants learning by recording and updating projects. Along with covering the key features of recording in Captivate it also focuses on creating soft skills and compliance training, complete with audio and video. You can output the projects for display on computer desktops, tablets and phones.
The audience for this course is beginning and intermediate Adobe Captivate users who want to create software demonstrations and interactive simulations. Adobe Captivate appeals to a wide variety of audiences, typically grouped in training and education, sales and marketing, or technical support and documentation.

Software Required Adobe Captivate 2019
In order to participate in the class, participants require Adobe Captivate 2019 to be loaded on their computer. If you do not yet own the software you can download the trial version of the software for the class by going to:
and download and install the trial version of Adobe Captivate 2019. It is good for 30 days so install a day before your scheduled class.
This class is fully interactive, as you will be able to speak with and hear from the instructor and other students as you work in real time to complete activities within the software.
Course Outline
eLearning and Capivate
- Education Through Pictures
- Planning eLearning Projects
- The Captivate Environment
- Explore a Finished Captivate Project
- Workspaces
- Explore the Default Workspaces
- Modify and Reset a Workspace
- Create a Workspace
- Zoom and Magnify
- Navigate a Project
- Previewing
- Preview a Project
- Blank Projects
- Create a New, Blank Project
- Insert Standard Objects onto Slides
Recording Screen Actions
- Resolution and Recording Size
- The Development Process
- Preparing a Record
- Rehearse a Script
- Review Recording Settings
- Access for Assistive Devices
- Enable Access for Assistive Devices
- Multimode Recording
- Review Default Recording Mode Settings
- Record Using Multiple Modes
- Custom Recordings
- Record a Custom Simulation
- Panning
- Record a Demonstration that Pans
- Manual Recording
- Record the Screen Manually
Captions, Styles and Timing
- Text Captions
- Insert, Resize and Move Text Captions
- Modify Text Caption Properties
- Caption Styles
- Edit the Default Caption Style
- Callouts
- Change a Callout Used by a Text Caption
- The Timeline
- Control Slide Timing
- Control Slide Object Timing
- Check Spellings
- Align Slide Objects
Images and Smart Shapes
- Images
- Insert, Resize and Restore an Image
- Transform an Image’s Size and Position
- The Library
- Use the Library
- Manage Unused Project Asets
- Image Editing
- Crop and Rename an Image
- Remove a Background Color
- Smart Shapes
- Insert a Cloud Callout
- Image Slideshows
- Create an Image Slideshow
Pointers, Buttons and Highlight Boxes
- Mouse Effects
- Add a Visual Click and Sound
- Pointer Paths and Types
- Modify the Mouse Pointer
- Buttons
- Insert and Format a Text Button
- Set a Button’s Pause After Timing
- Work with Image Buttons
- Highlight Boxes
- Insert and Format a Highlight Box
Rollovers, Zoom Areas and Slidelets
- Rollover Captions
- Insert a Rollover Caption
- Rollover Images
- Insert a Rollover Image
- Zoom Areas
- Insert a Zoom Area
- Rollover Slidelet
- Insert a Rollover Slidelet
- Object Audio
- Import Audio onto a Slide Object
- Import Background Audio
- Slide Notes
- Add a Slide Note
- Recording Audio
- Calibrate a Microphone
- Record Slide Audio
- Slide Audio
- Import a Voice-over onto a Slide
- Edit an Audio File
- Silence
- Insert Silence
- Text-to-Speech
- Convert Text-to-Speech
Video, Animation & Effects
- Video
- Insert a Flash Video
- Set Flash Video Properties
- Animation
- Add Animation to a Slide
- Text Animation
- Insert Text Animation
- Object Effects
- Apply an Effect to a Slide Object
- Apply a Glow Filter Effect
- Modify Effect Properties
- Save and Import Effects
Demonstrations versus Simulations
- Hide the Mouse
- Find and Replace
- Replace Phrases
- Click Boxes
- Insert a Click Box
- Text Entry Boxes
- Insert a Text Entry Box
Working with PowerPoint
- PowerPoint as a Starting Point
- Import PowerPoint Slides
- Resize One Object and Apply to All
- Round-Trip PowerPoint Edits
- PowerPoint Collaboration
- Synch with Source
- Rescaling Projects
- Rescale a Project
Introduction to Question Slides
- Quiz Setup
- Edit Quizzing Object Styles
- Set the Quiz Preferences
- Creating a Quiz
- Insert Question Slides
- Format a Question Slide
- Add an Image to a Question Slide
Skins, Table of Contents, Publishing
- URL Actions
- Link to a Web Site
- Skins
- Apply a Skin
- Edit, Save and Delete a Skin
- Table of Contents
- Create a TOC
- Preloaders
- Check Publish Setting and Add a Loading Screen
- Publishing
- Run HTML5 Tracker
- Publish as HTML5
- Round Tripping
- Export Captions
- Perform a “Round Trip”
Online*: $695 CAD ($615 + 80 HST appr $535 US)
Duration: 2 days, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm ET
Prerequisites - None
Onsite: Request Quotation
*Online Fee does not include training materials. Training materials can be purchased online.
Recommended Reference Book
OnSite or Private Class:
If you are interested in this course we offer it as a private onsite class for groups of 3 or more.... Complete our Request for Onsite Quotation Form. We will contact you to arrange a class date that is suitable to you; or, call us at 1-877-246-3436 to learn more about scheduling options.

Our goal is to make sure your class meets your objectives, not ours. Therefore, all of our outlines are treated as guides to help steer the workshop. This outline does not guarantee that all the topics listed will be covered in the time allowed. The amount of material covered is based on the skill level of the student audience. We may change or alter course topics to best suit the classroom situation.
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